Investing in the Future of Education - In Partnership with Ethos Fund
Since 1987, Elite Education Group has been focused on delivering to our learning communities and families, the latest solutions and next generation needs through holistic student development. We have found a partner after our own heart in Ethos Fund.
Ethos Fund is wholly focused on finding and accelerating the growth of startups seeking to transform the future of learning. Like Elite, Ethos Fund is obsessively focused on drivers of transformative change in global education, especially through education technology, rooted in the latest science and studies of how students actually are learning and will learn in the future. With our aligned strategic vision, our partnership with these companies nurtures and imbues with resources and networks those who will address the emergent exigencies in education.
Together with Ethos Fund, Elite sits on the leadership committee of the Asia Edtech Consortium, a global platform for Asia Edtech startups to shine, share and scale unique innovation in technology, products, and services.
For more about the Asia Edtech Consortium - (